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Chief of Division: Rita Maria Chidiac

The Endocrinology division provides a range of outpatient services, diagnosing and managing patients with diabetes, pituitary diseases, adrenal diseases, metabolic diseases, osteoporosis, diseases of Calcium and phosphorous metabolism (diseases of the parathyroid, Vitamin D deficiencies…), pancreatic pathologies and others. A full patient history is taken upon the patient’s first visit and diagnostic procedures are performed including: laboratory workup, imaging of the different glands involved in the pathology (including scintigraphy, sestamibi scanning…) and necessary biopsies when needed.

Our state-of-the-art DXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scan allows an accurate diagnosis of osteoporosis in patients at risk, with parameters calibrated according to international standards.  Other services provided include the set-up of an advanced glucose sensor for one week to measure blood levels continuously, around 280 times, and analyzing the obtained data for better management of diabetes. Recently, our center has been approved for participation in the nationwide screening program for diabetic retinopathy, using advanced equipment, in collaboration with European ophthalmologists.

Other services offered by the division include admissions for radioactive iodine ablation of the thyroid gland (depending on the underlying pathology), ruling out endocrinopathies as causes for obesity or hypertension, and weekly visits to the outpatient department as part of the services provided for the community patients.

The division is keen on enrichment through continuous medical education (CME) with weekly journal clubs and conferences in association with other departments at Saint George Hospital University Medical Center as well as the Lebanese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Lipids. Our division is constantly enrolled in researches and clinical trials that are published in renowned medical journals.